Program Showroom: L-V: 10:30-19:00, S: 12:00-18:00, Duminica: inchis | Comenzi telefonice la: 021 310 1960 0743011579

Frank Sinatra - Come Fly With Me [180g HQ LP gatefold] (vinyl)

Artist: Frank Sinatra
Titlu: Come Fly With Me [180g Hq Lp Gatefold]
Gen: Big Band & Dixieland, Swing, Vocal Jazz
Suport: Vinyl
Casa discuri: Dol,
Produs in: EU

Format: LP 33rpm
: 1buc
Release date: 8 jun 2016
Original release date: 1958
Inregistrare : studio
Durata :
Observatii :

Cod produs: 0889397219413

Disponibil: Indisponibil

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Pentru comenzi telefonice ne puteti contacta la:
021 310 1960 0743011579


1. Come Fly With Me
2. Around the World
3. Isle of Capri
4. Moonlight in Vermont
5. Autumn in New York
6. On the Road to Mandalay
7. Let's Get Away from It All
8. April in Paris
9. London by Night
10. Brazil
11. Blue Hawaii
12. It's Nice to Go Trav'ling
13. Chicago [*]
14. South of the Border [*]
15. I Love Paris [*]


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